About the project
What the Career Compass project is about and who develops it
The Career Compass project enhances employability potential, career planning, and skills recognition, including educational pathways, for individuals at career crossroads or seeking employment. Special attention focuses on those in vulnerable positions, such as individuals at the beginning or end of their careers, women, refugees, migrants, and those with lower levels of education. The project offers an online training programme and toolkit to help users identify and develop their career paths, recognise workplace skills, and explore educational opportunities to further their professional growth.
The project enhances participants' chances of returning to employment and/or education, promoting more equitable opportunities for those forced to leave or change their careers. It also plays a vital role in supporting the integration of refugees and migrants within the EU, empowering them and reducing the risk of social exclusion.
To support this goal, the project offers specialised training for career trainers, counsellors, facilitators, employment office staff, and continuing education professionals. This training equips them with the necessary skills and tools to apply the methodology effectively in their work with clients, ensuring they can guide individuals towards successful career development and transition.

What is the need for the Career Compass project?
Addressing persistent unemployment and labor market challenges is crucial, as certain groups such as young people, women, migrants, refugees, and those with lower educational levels face higher risks of joblessness and social exclusion. The EU is also experiencing labor and skill shortages, exacerbated by automation and AI, which threaten job security and economic growth. These shifts disproportionately affect vulnerable groups and hinder their access to education, training, and employment opportunities. Effective solutions are needed to integrate these groups into the workforce, reduce social exclusion, and match their skills with emerging job market demands.
Target groups
People at Career Crossroads and Seeking Employment
This group encompasses individuals facing socio-economic, demographic, and educational barriers to employment. Key subgroups are young people (18-24) starting their careers, older adults (50+) facing age-related challenges, women reentering the workforce after caregiving, refugees and migrants dealing with integration barriers, lower-educated individuals with limited skills, and young people not in employment, education, or training (NEETs), who are at risk of long-term unemployment.
Career Trainers, Counselors, Facilitators, Employment Offices, and Continuous Training Providers
This group encompasses professionals and organizations that assist with career decisions, job searches, and professional development. It comprises career trainers and counselors, employment offices providing job placement and readiness support, facilitators leading career development programs, and continuous training providers offering upskilling and vocational certifications. These professionals play a critical role in guiding individuals toward career success and growth.
Expected results
All these outcomes will be freely accessible online, and will be available soon.
A training framework and guide
to identify challenges, opportunities, and needs.
Training and a toolkit
for career path identification and development.
A user guide for individuals
at career crossroads or seeking employment, especially those in vulnerable positions, to support both independent and trainer-led learning.
A user guide for employment and career trainers,
counselors, facilitators, employment offices, and continuous training providers to support effective training delivery.​​
Career Compass
project information
Funding: EU Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Duration: 1.11.2024 – 30.4.2027
Project number: 2024-1-FI01-KA220-ADU-000243871
Full name: Career Path Planning Training and Toolkit for People in Career Crossroads and Seeking Employment